vicky cristina barcelona

i saw this movie soemtime back. ideally i should be writing this post in the movie review...but i am writing this here because i have more to say abt the theme of the movie rather than the movie itself!!!!

i didnt like this movie as a movie!!!!! what i want to say it is, it was not entertaining in anyway nor we feel that the movie makes a lot of sense while watching it...and neither can we gather where is it leading to...and if u dont give the movie a second thought u ll jus forget u ever saw it....
many of u might want to watch the movie for Penelope Cruz (she got an oscar for this one)...

well as the story goes, vicki and christina are childhood friends...they are best friends and love and care for each other a lot...but besides their friendship they have nothing in common...
vicky (rebecca hall) is a grounded, practical girl who is stable, happy in the life she has chosen (meaning the job she does and with regards to the fiance (doug) she has chosen), cristina (scarlett johannson) is more of risk taker and believing in everlasting romantic love types....and she feels she has shd explore her artistic talent (she has made a 12 min movie abt love!!!!!!)

so now vicky is invited by a relative (or friend) to visit barcelona n stay with them for the summer....n she takes along cristina too...this is a good break from routine for both these girls who are looking forward to spending a quite summer....

the summer gets interesting when the girls meet juan antonio (javier bardem) who is an artist who has been in limelight in the art world for his nasty divorce with maria elena (penelope cruz) at an art gallery.It so happens that juan is in the same restaurant as vicky and cristina for dinner later in evening and he walks up to them and invites both of them for a weekend of sightseeing, wine and making love to oviedo....

cristina who is getting out of an old relationship agrees easily and overrides vicki's words of caution and pulls her along with her to oviedo....there cristina falls ill and so vicki is left to do sightseeing with juan....after an initial coldness she gets to see juan and develops liking for him...and at the end of the evening, she makes love with him and after that she feels she missed something in life till now, which she never realized and that juan is her love not her doug!!!but of course vicky being vicky that she cant leave doug and she does not even get a chance to speak anything with juan the next day as they return to barcelona....

cristina has no idea what went on between juan and vicky, and she agrees to meet juan wen he asks her out after returning to barcelona....slowly they both like each other a lot and she moves with into his house with him...she enjoys being with juan, his art circle friends and she feels she has found what she was looking for, her love, her way of expressing her artistic side, her freedom etc etc...around this time vicky remains out of touch with juan never even telling him how she feels for him until they meet accidently at library and he tells her she never sought her after returning to barcelona coz he thought she might not want him and that he was not her type of guy and coz she was engaged...and he also tells her that now after getting to knwo cristina he really likes now vicky keeps her mouth shut abt her feelings...

problem brews for cristina and juan when maria elena, juan;s psychotic ex wife tries to commit suicide and juan has to get her home and take care of her as she has no one to take care of her in the world....christina is very supportive and does not mind it...slowly as she gets to know maria elena she finds out that she is in fact quite a nice person and they become good friends....and so much so that she does not mind intimacy growing between juan and maria elena as well...and as maria elena says "juan and i love each other a lot.....but there is something missing in the relationship that keeps them apart" (something to this effect) and that something is fulfilled by cristina so as long as cristina is with them they dont fight and all 3 develop a mutually satisfying relationship....

this is jus half the movie story.......and i dont wanna spoil it for u by telling the second half....well what interested me was the end!!!!!! which had a lot of ideas we cud take home with us if we thought enuf....the movie ends with vicky getting married to doug, cristina returning to usa with vicky and juan and maria elena fighting and going apart once again....basically they all return to where it began!!!!!! square one...with vicky feeling it was practical not to be too demanding of life and to accept things that naturally comes ur way.,....cristina not knowing what she exactly wanted out of life...and juan and maria elena not developing a mutually satisfying relationship....

what i take home is, if u want to make any change in ur life, you gotta be the one making vicky thinks getting juan into her life is gonna change it (make it more interesting and adventurous!!!!), juan and maria think cristina can make their relationship better....and cristina thinks being with juan and in spain where she has her freedom etc etc can make her life better, where she can express herself...

but as they all find out, thats not the case...other person or situation cannot change ur life..these are all extrinsic factors...unless u take it up to urself to change ur attitude in life and towards life, things are not gonna be any different even if u r in a situation u think is best for u!!! coz in sometime the questions are going to return.....what am i doing....something is missing....why do i u feel trapped....and makes u wonder why is ur life the way it is...why cant it be other way round....and again u ll pack ur bags and look for some new adventure!!!!!!

So let us not waste time in asking these questions....let us not wait for someone else to change our life for us....introspect...let us know our own weakness...try and rectify it....let us know where we need to change our point of view...sometimes is better to accept things, and sometimes its better to fight for what we let us keep our discrimination power with us...let us try to make the best of the situation we are in...dont be afraid to speak our mind, express ourselves...dont be afraid to take risk....just take our life in our in charge of the situation...and most of all keep the key of happiness in our hands!!!!!

song of the day
