i love the name of the show.....everybody who goes into medical n allied fields is scared of gray's anatomy....now a days though in india we dont really read it as its too big.........thats what makes is so scary...but its still the most revered book i think....i guess after 12th wen v get into med school or dental school gray's anatomy is told to read by our teachers...but with the duration of course cut short its jus not possible....so the name grey's anatomy immediately strikes a chord with all the doctors n reminds us of our wonderful med school / dental school days....
also a word abt Dr Henry Gray.....well in the good old days he used to dig up freshly buried bodies in the middle of the night so that no one saw him dig..then in candle light he used to dissect the body at nights n make notes...thats how he wrote the book...and all his findings r relevant n true even today...nobody has discarded his findings as incorrect or whatever....although the book has increased in thickness manyfolds....and many new things have been added whatever he wrote is also being followed...great na...he is father of anatomy n we all owe him a lot...
more abt the show...i like everyone in the show...all the characters n actors r amazing..love all the lovestories goin on side by side...the songs they have going on in the background r jus too good....
its also nice to see that the writers n directors research well n whatever n watever is shown in the show is true...otherwise most of the times what they show in these med school dramas or hospital sequences r outright stupid n nonsense...
n in each show there are 2 to 3 good cases shown...so its interesting...whenever my dad is watching the show with me he always comments everything they show correctly..like the ECG (EKG) they show on the monitor...the drugs the doctor gives to the patient or shouts in emergency.....dad is right..hmmm correct decision :)
amongst all the actors special mention has to be made of dr derek shepherd (Peter Dempsey)....love him both the actor n character....but sometimes hate derek jus coz he tries to be too correct at times...
on that note signing off for now.....eagerly waiting for sunday night 9 pm...
And, I love love love the show... Looking forward to new episodes starting April 24th.. They were temporarily off the air due to a writers strike..
I have loved this show from day 1.. There was just something about it, that was just addictive..
Yep.. Yep.. Yep.. Lets chat about the show..
me too loved the show since day one...