
some smses that were going around wishing docs happy doctors day....

a soldier lives by luck loves by chance and kills by profession.....
thank god we are doctors...
who live by profession ,love by luck and kill by chance...happy doctors day

to be a doctor means much more than to dispense pills and repair torn flesh...
to be a doctor is to be an intermediary between man and god.....happy doctors day

are you emotionally numbed ,creatively challenged ,romantically starved
artistically void, socially outcast ???? congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
you 're a good doctor...Happy doctors day

the willingness to listen , the patience to understand ,the strength to support,
the heart to care and jus to be there where others need u
thats the beauty to be a doctor...
B glad the u r one...happy doctors day

wen there are tears you are shoulder for someone
when there is death you r life for someone
wen there is pain u r medicine for someone
so be proud to be a doctor....happy doctors day
